Shooter Rinku Kaushik
Biography & Achievements
One of the National Shooters
Rinku Kaushik was born on 10th September 2001 in village Kheri Kalan district Faridabad in a middle class family. He lost his father in his childhood. His mother is a housewife. He has an elder brother named Mr. Rahul Kaushik who always supported him. He started shooting at the age of 17, he daily travelled 20 km to Dr. Karni Singh shooting range for his shooting practice…
1. won bronze medal in faridabad district match 2018
2. qualified national shooting championship and selected for international trails
1. won bronze medal in 1st dev bhoomi open shooting championship -2019 at rishikesh
2. won 4 gold medals in salvo shooter cup arena 2019
Medal ceremony by Mrs. Chandro Tomar (Shooter Dadi)
1. won silver and bronze medal in shotter cup 2020
Medal ceremony by Mr. Ankush Bhardwaj ( International Medalist)
1. qualified all 25m events of state , prenational and natonal level and hold top 20 rank
2. got all india arm license approved by haryana govt.
1. Got 2nd position and won Silver medal in IGF international games 25 mtr standard pistol men at Siem Reap , Cambodia in January 2023
2. Completed Six-week certificate course in Sports Coaching and become a Certified Coach.
Rinku Kaushik gives the credit of his success and achievements to his mother Mrs. Shakuntala Devi and his elder brother Mr. Rahul Kaushik.

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shooter rinku kaushik

Shooter Rinku Kaushik and his elder brother Mr. Rahul Kaushik

Shooter Rinku Kaushik with his shooting Gun